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GJ Close and Open Corkscrews

I started training with the Thai 10 minutes which is done on a heavy bag five kicks on one side and then five kicks on the other...for 10 minutes. Then I switched to 1 minute of jabs, crosses, lead hooks, and rear hooks. And then repeated and finished with 1 minute of pitterpat.
Joe and I then "warmed-up" with:
Upper Body
30 secs pitterpat
30 secs side plank push-ups -- Do a regular push-up and at the top transition into side plank on one side, return to push-up position, do another push-up and side-plank to the other side.
Repeat for a total of 3 minutes
Lower Body
30 secs 3 kicks w/o repost -- throw one low kick to bag and then without touching floor throw one to the middle and then one to the top
30 secs alternating pistols (one legged squats) ("The Naked Warrior" (Pavel Tsatsouline))
Repeat for a total of 3 minutes
30 secs pitter pat with shoulders floating off floor
30 secs as holder
30 secs sit-up two straight punches
30 secs as holder
30 secs sit-up two hooks
30 secs as holder
30 secs pitter pat from V-position (modified from a drill I saw in a TKD class)
30 secs as holder
30 secs alternating iron cross
Next we worked on emotional climate training (go to Martial Arts Videos) for the lead inside kick and lead hook. I reaffirmed the value of the telephone position for the rear hand.
Following ECT we worked on transitions from knee play. One side wore shin pads while the feeder wore BTS High Gear Helmet. If the knee play broke the fighter tried to kick the helmeted feeder in the head. Transitions are one of the key under trained areas of combat sports. If you can beat them on the transitions you can win the fight, that is while your opponent is focused on what just happened you are focusing on what is happening now. The gym is the laboratory where we experiment with our skills, numerous trials both successful and less than successful breed winning experience. Experience you will need in your thesis defense -- the fight.
The close versus the open corkscrew, different footwork for different weaponsWe did a few rounds of boxing timing and then worked on some pad rounds. I worked Joe on using his body's defensive body motion, that is slipping, bobbing, and weaving to set-up his offense. For example:
  1. Bob the jab-lead hook-close corkscrew cross-lead hook-cross
  2. Bob the jab-lead hook-open corkscrew rear kick-lead hook
  3. Bob the cross-rear hook-close corkscrew lead hook-cross-lead hook
  4. Bob the cross-rear hook-open corkscrew lead hook-rear kick
  5. Duck the jab-jab-rear uppercut-lead hook
  6. Duck the cross-cross-lead uppercut-jin rear kick
The CorkscrewTM is the the pivot step used to set-up angles, this is beneficial for two reasons
  1. It makes it harder for your opponent to defend, the Corkscrew attacks at an off-angle where they are weakest
  2. It makes it harder for your opponent to react, since you have reduced the number of weapons they can hit you with
The Close Corkscrew is a tight pivot ideal for takedowns, clinching, and "dirty boxing", and maximizes the the first reason for the Corkscrew -- strong offense. The Open Corkscrew is a loose pivot followed by a retreat step to allow for longer range punches and kicks, this maximizes the second reason for the Corkscrew -- strong defense.

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