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JKD & BJJ Jeff Explains the Kimura

I apologize to my faithful readers for being in absentia but life forced a little holiday from my blogging. But I hope to be back with a vengeance starting with this entry of absolutely unoriginal material. My training partner Jeff went over the kimura yesterday and did an excellent job, so here are the notes:
Setting up kimura
We worked from the half-guard, the superior shin and knee are across the hips of your partner. Bring the inferior knee out to provoke your partner to push on the knee. From here set up the kimura by grasping the same side wrist and then over hooking and grabbing your wrist with the opposite hand.
Breaking the grip on the belt
Should they grab their belt, feed their hand along the belt toward their spine before breaking the grip and pushing their hand along their spine to the back of their head.
Taking the back
Should your opponent defend the kimura by grabbing their threatened appendage by going over your legs, free your figure four and clasp the forearm with the overhook (opposite) hand. Use the other free hand to post and work your body past your opponent's head. Free the superior leg and insert as hook on the far side as you climb to the back.
Should your opponent defend the kimura by grabbing their threatened appendage by going between your legs, bring your head towards their knee and push their entrapped arm over your side use your legs to left and push. If they keep their hands locked you will sweep them to side-mount, if they base out finish the kimura.
And some defense
Jeff showed a neat defense here, placing his threatened hand on his chest while pushing his opponent's superior hip to the floor, effectively removing both the hands and legs as effective weapons. This worked well with opponents of equivalent size, but with (much) larger ones sticking the threatened hand medial to your own thigh seemed more effective.
I hope if I've made any errors Jeff will let me know directly or by commenting.

Also Bart sent me this training article and I found this on Rotational Axis Training. Both look to contain good things, but I've only skimmed them so far.

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