Shielded Striking |
The tactic of shielded striking can be useful against a strong counter puncher. Thus a tactic for every time you try to start a punch combination they use this opening to hit you. There are four keys to shielded striking:- Minimal initiation -- Do not telegraph, explode into the strike without hesitation or excess motion prior to the strike.
- Linear punching -- Punch straight down the pipe, imagine a laser sight connecting your fist to the target.
- Pre-emptive covering -- The punching side shoulder rolls up to meet the settling and tucking of the head while the other side rises to half cover, narrowing the exposed target of your head.
- Rapid recovery -- After the shot has landed, do not wait for the effect or the picture to be taken. The hand must explosively retract for defense while the combination, that is the initiation of same hand, other hand, kick or knee, continues.
The more desirable method of shielded striking using, minimal initiation, linear punching, pre-emptive covering, and rapid recovery. |
The more you telegraph, hook the punch, allow the "defensive" arm to drift, and the slower the recovery the more likely you are to get hit. |
The competitors started early jogging up to a local hill we started with 5 minutes with four stations:
- Shadowboxing
- Uphill sprint
- Push-ups
- Downhill jog
We then tried a modified Tabata protocol with staggered runners doing 30 seconds on the hill and 15 second rest. It turned into a continues sprint which rapidly degenerated into a jog. It was brutal in any case. We jogged back to the house and then started with lower body conditioning 10 minutes on the thai pads, 5 kicks each side. We then did upper body conditioning with 30 second rounds of:
- Side A: Pitterpat
- Side A: Low pitterpat to abdomen
- Side B: Pitterpat
- Side B: Low pitterpat to abdomen
- Side A: Pitterpat
- Side A: Low pitterpat to abdomen
- Side B: Pitterpat
- Side B: Low pitterpat to abdomen
- Side A: Pitterpat
- Sides A & B: Side-plank push-ups
- Side B: Pitterpat
- Sides A & B: Side-plank push-ups
- Side A: Pitterpat
- Sides A & B: Cover push-ups (Push-up and in the extended position quickly cover one side, do another push-up cover the other side)
- Side B: Pitterpat
- Sides A & B: Cover push-ups
- Side A: Hook pitterpat
- Side B: Hook pitterpat
- Side A: Hook pitterpat
- Side B: Hook pitterpat
For our core we worked 2 minutes shadowboxing from a legs flat, shoulders of floor position with 1-2-4-8-16 sit-ups. We finished with 1 minute shadowboxing from the V-sit position. Our thai pad rounds reviewed the
provoked reaction concept:
- Jab provoked reaction
- "Jab reaction jab" -- 1-catch (jab)-C-LH-C
- "Jab reaction cross" -- 1-high cover (C)-C-LH-C
- "Cross reaction hook" -- C-side cover (LH)-C-LH-C
- "Cross reaction hook" -- C-bob n' weave (LH) w/ LH-C-LH(-C)
- "Cross reaction cross" -- 1-high cover (C)-C-LH-C
- Kick provoked reaction
- "Kick reaction cross" -- L/RK-high cover (C)-C-LH-C
- "Kick reaction hook" -- L/RK-side cover (LH)-C-LH-C
- Forced range drill
- We worked from three artificial ranges, simulating the mobility and variability of a real fight. The feeder forces reaction by the "nature" of the combination, e.g. 2-knee would bring the fighter from long to close range while 3 knees push to C-H-C would change from close to medium.
- "Long" -- The outside range where one must first close to strike and then reopen to prevent counter attack.
- "Medium" -- The "stay n' play" range where a fighter must remain busy as they are within the range where trading occurs. Feeding here is rapid and continuous but this range serves as a transition zone between the clinching and long range kick boxing (see No Man's Land)
- "Close" -- Plum position, throwing knees and controlling your partner.
Four basic ways of doing the CorkscrewTM evolved by a combination of which "triangle" is formed by stepping either foot and by whether you are closing (e.g. short punches, clinching, takedowns) or opening (e.g. long punches, kicks). The diagram is exaggerated in its specificity, the open or close is simply a range modification of the angling accomplished by corkscrewing. |
Next we worked on using punch-kick combinations to set-up the angle for the kick:
- 1-Kick (anterior)
- Using a lead open corkscrew, that is, step anteriorly at a 45o angle using the lead foot with the jab, opening up your opponent's body for the rear kick. This is easier than the posterior version detailed next but is higher risk putting you into the line of your opponent's power hand.
- 1-Kick (posterior)
- With a rear open corkscrew, that is, step anteriorly at a 45o angle with the jab while stepping with the rear foot, bring your original lead to your foot and pivot, setting up the rear leg kick to the posterior side of the thigh, kidneys or head. This is lower risk and safer but requires greater coordination than the anterior version.
- 2-Kick (posterior)
- Use a rear open corkscrew off the cross. Step anteriorly at a 45o angle with the cross while stepping with the rear foot, setting up the lead leg kick to the anterior side of your opponent. This will decrease the power of the cross but protects you by moving to the weaker side of your opponent and opens posterior targets on them.
- 2-Kick (anterior)
- Using a lead open corkscrew off the cross. Step anteriorly at a 45o angle with the lead foot during the cross while stepping with the lead foot, pivot bringing your rear foot to the lead foot, setting up the lead leg kick to the anterior side of your opponent. This opens the your cross line as you shift your power side to your opponents midline and allows you to attack the rear leg. However this also increases your exposure you to their power weapons
We finished with a few rounds of knee play.
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